Currently Browsing: eating

My Clean Eating Week

If we aren’t friends on IG @thisaveragemom then you don’t know that last week, Brandon and I did a Clean Eating Week. Now, maybe you are super into nutrition and this is no big for you, but for us…for me…this was basically unheard of. I had to actually Google what clean eating even meant!! But […]


My Kids Won’t Eat Anything-and I’m Done Fighting It

A couple weeks ago, my sweet, darling daughter kept telling me how hungry she was. She also would not, for the LIFE of her, tell me what she wanted. At age 4, she knows exactly what food we keep in the house, but just in case, I proceeded to list off every meal option available […]


About Me

I'm Meghan. I am an average mom.

I'm Meghan. I am an average mom.

I am a wife and mama of two, just trying to keep everyone decently happy and content. I love scrapbooking, reading, the elusive date night, and iced coffees.
I'm Meghan. I am an average mom.