This past weekend, we had Maverick’s Baby Shark birthday party! It was simple and laid back, in true #averagemom fashion
If you’ve been here awhile, you know that I’m a fan of small and easy birthdays for young kids. Maverick’s party was us and his six grandparents (Aunt Livvie and Jason couldn’t make it, and neither could Uncle Liam). But we had a very nice day, and Maverick had plenty of presents.
We ordered pizza and Mimi and Papa made a big ol’ salad to go with it. Harlyn and I made Mav’s cake. Maverick is finally at the age where he “gets” presents and he was ready to open them!
We ordered Mav’s banner, balloon, our t-shirts, and even the plates and napkins, right from Amazon.
Here’s some pics from Maverick’s big day!!
(and if you want to reminisce with me and check out Mav’s Top Gun 1st birthday, you can find that HERE)!
What party themes have you done for your toddlers? How elaborate of a party do you plan?