Currently Browsing: healthy
In case you don’t know this by now…drinking water is really good for you. And also, I drink a crap ton of it. I hear from so many people that they really don’t like water…and I totally understand. But the thing is: you can teach yourself to love water, and I have. I didn’t used […]
If we aren’t friends on IG @thisaveragemom then you don’t know that last week, Brandon and I did a Clean Eating Week. Now, maybe you are super into nutrition and this is no big for you, but for us…for me…this was basically unheard of. I had to actually Google what clean eating even meant!! But […]
If you’ve ever struggled with fitness, exercise, or nutrition, coach Christa Hunt is your girl. Who is Christa Hunt, you ask? Well, she’s one of my “Instagram friends”–a woman I met through the ‘gram. As time went on, we realized just how much we have in common and how closely we can relate to each […]