Currently Browsing: Motherhood

Harlyn’s Birth Story: April 24, 2014

Lately I’ve been seeing birth stories pop up on mom blogs, and I decided that I would get on the bandwagon and get mine written. Obviously, Harlyn is four and Maverick is one, so I’m a little behind, but hey….#thisaveragemom Today, it’s all about my first baby Our sweet Harlyn arrived on April 24, 2014 […]


Carolina Beach Trip 2018

Well hey there! It feels like I’ve been gone a hundred years! We got back yesterday from our vacation and spent the afternoon trying to get life back in order. You know how it is…even though you left the house clean, the second you unpack the car, your house is a disaster again with all […]


Epic FAIL: My First Preschool Birthday Party

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about the struggle of being an introverted mom. There were some preschool birthday parties that Harlyn had been invited to.  The overwhelming response to that post was that despite my discomfort in these types of social situations, I should take Harlyn to the parties. If you missed […]


Four Worship Songs You Need on Your Playlist

I love a good worship song. There’s nothing like going to church and it’s just one song after the other of your CHRISTIAN JAMS. When I was young, I never got why people cried in church. As an adult, I totally understand it. There are some songs that definitely “get me.”  Today I’m rounding up […]


From Couch Potato to Race Runner: My Training Update (and 5 tips you can use to start your own fitness journey!)

5 Tips You Can Use to Start Your Own Fitness Journey

Can you believe it’s almost AUGUST? You guys, that can’t be true, right?!?! Where does the time go? Speaking of time flying, my 10 mile race is in less than ONE month. And with a vacation coming up (!!!), I know I have to be very intentional about what my training will look like for […]


Four Toys to Encourage Sibling Play

Four Toys to Encourage Sibling Play

With kids of different ages and abilities (in our case, a 4 year old girl and a 1 year old boy), it can be difficult to get them to play together happily. While we definitely have lots of independent play, family play time, or man on man defense, we also have been trying to encourage […]


Four Ways to Handle Your Kids’ Epic Meltdowns

I don’t want to make assumptions here, but let’s just pretend for a second that your kids lose their absolute minds on occasion, like mine do. Thankfully, my children tend to save the drama for their mama, which means the rest of the world is usually spared from the epic meltdowns we experience at home. […]


Raleigh Sunflowers and Our Family Pictures

Today, I’m so very excited to share our FAMILY PICTURES!! Listen. The “family picture” we have on our mantle is about 3 years old. It’s not that we haven’t had pictures taken since then. We have! We had family maternity pics when I was pregnant with Mav, and newborn pics, and fall pictures. But somehow, […]


The Struggle of Being an Introverted Mom

This was not my original blog post topic for today. But then something happened. I got yet another birthday party invitation for a preschool friend of Harlyn’s. Now, up until this point, it’s been pretty smooth sailing on the whole friend birthday party thing. At the beginning of last school year, I didn’t feel bad […]


Four Mom Bloggers You NEED In Your Life

Four Mom Bloggers You Need in Your Life

Today I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite Mom Bloggers. I’ve been following these awesome women for YEARS! It’s been so fun to watch their families and blogs change and grow, and they definitely inspired me to start my own blog. The thing I love most about these Moms is […]


About Me

I'm Meghan. I am an average mom.

I'm Meghan. I am an average mom.

I am a wife and mama of two, just trying to keep everyone decently happy and content. I love scrapbooking, reading, the elusive date night, and iced coffees.
I'm Meghan. I am an average mom.