A few months ago, my mother in law introduced Harlyn to a new song called “Good Morning” by Mandisa. They would sing and dance to it in the kitchen after we left for work in the morning. Harlyn loved it so much that she started asking us to do it with her in the mornings. And now, we’ve been faithfully dancing and singing our hearts out every morning for months. At first, we did it because Harlyn was into it, but now? I honestly really like it too! The song is just a feel-good anthem and speaks about hope and how each day is a new day (Thank GOODNESS), and a lot of times I really need that reminder. My favorite part is getting to rap when “Mr Mac” (Tobymac) debuts. If you feel like sometimes it can be hard to start your day with a positive attitude, grab your kids and ask Alexa to play Good Morning by Mandisa. You’ll all be ready to face the day!
Of course, we always enjoy some “Can’t Stop the Feeling” by JT, but we’d love some other kitchen dance party songs. If you have any good ones, please leave a comment and you can be sure that I’ll be dancing around like a fool to it at some point very soon