Currently Browsing: school

The Silver Lining of COVID for Average Moms

I think we can all agree that COVID sucks. But as I was driving away from Maverick’s daycare this morning, I had a thought: COVID has let me off the hook as a mom. Hear me out. I love my kids. I play blocks and Barbies even though I don’t want to. But mommin’ ain’t […]


5 Tips for Going Back to School in a COVID World

It’s official: we’ve been back to school for almost 2 weeks now. Like, in person, real school. Please don’t freak out. We did what we needed to do, and I’ll support you doing what you need to do. Back to school in a COVID World is different, of course. Our school made the final announcement […]


A Letter to My Kindergarten Graduate

It’s been a weird first year of school, that’s for sure. Kindergarten officially ended May 21. A few weeks ago, Harlyn’s teacher said during a Zoom call that she was very thankful that the Coronavirus hit in the kids’ fourth quarter, not the first or second, so that she had really been able to KNOW […]


Unpopular Opinion: I Don’t Care if My Kids Go to College

Here it is in black and white: I don’t care ONE bit about my kids going to college after high school. I’ve been on this earth a few years now, and, quite frankly, I believe college is a racket. I mean, obviously, if my kids want to be a doctor or an engineer or anything, […]


5 Reasons to Consider a Christian School

Before this past Spring, considering a Christian school for Harlyn was not even on the radar. But as preschool was in its final months, we started feeling a pull to explore a Christian education beyond her preschool years. Here in NC, there’s no public preschool for kids that don’t need early intervention. So we ended […]


How to Survive the First Day of Kindergarten + Harlyn’s First Day!

Well, we did it. Our firstborn child is now officially in KINDERGARTEN. And somehow, we survived the first week. Let me back up for a moment so you can understand my apprehension. It’s not that I was an emotional wreck about my kid going off to school (I wasn’t). It’s that our summer has been […]


Harlyn’s Preschool Graduation

This is the final week of preschool for my sweet Harlyn,  but last week they had their preschool graduation/music program. We have truly LOVED the past two years–Harlyn’s school is everything you’d want for a Christian preschool, and more–and our only regret is that Maverick will not be attending due to some changes coming up […]


About Me

I'm Meghan. I am an average mom.

I'm Meghan. I am an average mom.

I am a wife and mama of two, just trying to keep everyone decently happy and content. I love scrapbooking, reading, the elusive date night, and iced coffees.
I'm Meghan. I am an average mom.