Currently Browsing: Motherhood

10 Kids Christmas Books You Need on your Bookshelf

Psst! This post contains affiliate links. This means that, at no cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Eeeks! It’s the most wonderful time of the year! If you’re like me, the day after Thanksgiving, all the Christmas stuff comes out. And that means the Christmas […]


Christmas Gift Guide 2018: Toddler Boys

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas over here! Maybe not with our weather, but we’re decking the halls, sleeping in Christmas jammies, and drinking hot chocolate anyway. That brings us to Christmas gifts. Sometimes, it seems like even though our kids are different genders and 3 years apart, we already have all the […]


Punta Cana Anniversary Trip-Part 2  

I’m back today with more pictures of our trip! If you missed my post on days 1-3, click HERE! Since our whole goal on this trip was to just relax and enjoy a few days of no responsibility, we spent as much time as possible on the beach. Saturday was no exception! B did get […]


Punta Cana Anniversary Trip-Part 1

I’m back!! It feels like I haven’t blogged in so long! I’m super excited to share my Punta Cana trip with you today. We had such a great time! First things first: Our real anniversary is Dec 19, but can you imagine trying to take an anniversary trip in December? Practically impossible. So we decided […]


Our Spooktacular Halloween

Well hi there! First things first…sorry for my absence last week. I had every intention of blogging, but work ended up being insane, and I just never got around to it. By the time the kids went to bed, WE went to bed. Anyway. In the middle of a crazy week, Halloween arrived!! And we […]


What Running Has Taught Me

When I started running, I had one goal in mind: run a 10 mile race in August. But as the months passed by, I realized I was doing much more than just training for a race. I was learning along the way. Because of the physical AND mental nature of running, I have been learning […]


5 Easy Ways to Teach Kids about God

In our family, teaching our kids about God is a big deal. We want them to have a relationship with Jesus. We also know that since our kids are still quite young, there is a lot they won’t understand yet. Heck, I’m in my 30s and there’s a lot I don’t understand! But we want […]


Friday Favorites!

Welcome to my first ever Friday Favorites! I typically don’t blog on Fridays, but I figured it might be a fun switch up for this week. Psst! This post contains affiliate links. This means that, at no cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Here we […]


Tips for Traveling With Young Kids (+ Our Michigan Trip!)

Today, I wanted to chat about the rest of our Michigan trip (if you missed my Mackinac Island post, you can find that HERE) and a few things we learned about traveling with young kids along the way. The last time we flew to Michigan was when Harlyn was a baby. Since that time, we’ve […]


An Introverted Mom Success Story

A Birthday Party Gone RIGHT! If you’ve been around awhile, you may recall that I’ve discussed being an introverted mom before (see that post HERE) and also followed that up with a post about a preschool birthday party gone so-very-wrong (which you can find HERE). But today, friends, I am happy to report that I […]


About Me

I'm Meghan. I am an average mom.

I'm Meghan. I am an average mom.

I am a wife and mama of two, just trying to keep everyone decently happy and content. I love scrapbooking, reading, the elusive date night, and iced coffees.
I'm Meghan. I am an average mom.